ReSoURCE Project Meeting in Aachen

ReSoURCE Team Meeting Aachen 2022_1

From December 12 to December 14, 2022, the consortium members of the project ReSoURCE – Refractory Sorting Using Revolutionizing Classification Equipment – met in Aachen Germany. Seventeen team members from all project partners were able to follow the invite of LSA and Fraunhofer ILT. The meeting was set up as a hybrid, to make sure that two others, who were not able to join in person, could follow as well.

The meeting started at the Fraunhofer ILT facilities. Here, Saranya Azhaarudeen gave a general overview of the project status. The team had update discussions about several work packages, before work package 7 “Handling and sorting of fine fractions” had its kick-off. The team from Fraunhofer ILT took the consortium members for a tour of the facilities and the participants had an opportunity to see a demonstration of the current status of the project with a demo plant. The consortium members clarified various questions about the setup, and also had a chance to see how a similar kind of setup has been used for testing electronic waste in another European funded project at ILT. After the lab tour, the meeting continued with brief presentations of the rest of the work packages.

In the evening, the research consortium enjoyed a social gathering in Aachen, starting with a visit of the famous Aachener Dom – the crown church of Carolingus Magnus. After that, the team went to a traditional German Christmas market.

The following day was hosted by LSA where the consortium met for a general assembly. Various points have been discussed and some decisions were made to ease the workflow. The participants visited the LSA facilities and brainstormed together in a moderated discussion format called “World Café”. For the world café, the team was divided in three groups, which discussed various questions about how to improve the overall communication and outreach activities of the project ReSoURCE. Results of this discussions will be published in the science blog of the project. The meeting ended with a tour of the LSA facilities.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place in Oslo, Norway, in June.

ReSoURCE Team Meeting Aachen 2022_2
Refractory recycling research project ReSoURCE - Carmen Loew, Science Communicator

Carmen Loew


ReSoURCE's Science Communicator Carmen Löw is a certified PR consultant, fundraiser, cultural mediator, and Magistra Artium in Classical Archaeology.